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oroville dam spillway feather river recover alliance


A Voice for Our Communities

Feather River Recovery Alliance

New Progress Report

Check out our Progress section for the latest progress from the FRRA.

What are our Goals?

We want to protect the well being of the Feather River Valley area and to show our communities are a great and safe place to work, live and play. We want to make sure there is ongoing accountability over the DWR and that all the downstream communities are getting fair treatment.

Spillway Failure

February 2017, the spillway was on the verge of imminent disaster. We want to be an advocate for our towns to ensure that this incident will never happen again and to ensure the prosperity of the region.

What's being done?

New legislation has been passed that requires that dams are inspected every year with procedures laid down by professional engineers independent of the DWR. Click here to read more.

Get the News & Facts

Read up on our database to get all the latest news and facts.

Who Are We?

We are a group of local business people and citizens concerned for the well being of our towns.

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